Black axway lettering with an implied red bird

The Axway interface allows implementation guides from GEFEG.FX to be transferred to the Axway TradeSync Integration Manager (formerly Atos Origin/Actis EDI Manager). This results in source format, target format and mapping definitions for outbound EDI messages.

Blu Jay Solutions Logo

BluJay Solutions delivers supply chain software and services to the world’s most advanced retailers, distributors, freight forwarders, manufacturers and logistics service providers. With the BluJay Global Trade Network, we enable our customers to leverage the power of more than 40,000 universally connected partners. With BluJay, companies can achieve higher trade speeds, transform their supply chain economy for a disruptive advantage, and look beyond the horizon to optimize their future in the global economy. To learn more, visit BluJay Solutions, or follow us on Twitter at @myblujay and LinkedIn.

Bundesverband Spedition und Logistik e.V. Logo

The EDIFOR (Electronic Data Interchange Forwarding) standard for the transport and forwarding industry was developed by the EDIFOR working group under the auspices of the DLSV. Together with the DLSV, GEFEG maintains the EDIFOR standard in GEFEG.FX. GEFEG is also a distribution partner of the DLSV and delivers the EDIFOR subset as paper documentation and with GEFEG.FX in electronic form.

Logo of CAS Software AG, showing a stick figure rising from a red frame.

CAS AG combines strategy, process and technological know-how for the optimal solution of your requirements! The experts at CAS AG combine the consulting fields for the integration of systems, data and processes with the targeted conception for the optimal use of applications and platforms in the banking, retail and industrial sectors. Sound knowledge of business processes and extensive know-how from two decades of project experience are the basis for equipping our customers for existing and future challenges. With around 100 employees, we create secure and consistent solutions in the sense of an integrated, company-wide system landscape. CAS AG has extensive expertise and experience from diverse national and international customer projects in various industries, especially in the use of products from SAP AG and the IBM WebSphere and IBM InfoSphere family.

Logo DIN Software - A company of the DIN Group

Since 1994, DIN Software GmbH has been responsible for the German translation of the UN/EDIFACT standard, which is available as DIN’s EDIFACT standard data service in GEFEG.FX and is regularly updated. The content of the standards database is processed by the DIN Office Standards Committee (NBü). GEFEG initiated the XML/EDI recommendation which led to the draft DIN 16557-5. The guideline for the presentation of EDIFACT message types as DTDs was also adopted by ISO as ISO TS 20625. GEFEG also supports DIN with technical know-how.

X12 Logo

Data Interchange Standards Association (DISA) is organizationally responsible for the ASC X12 standard and its publication. The Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 develops standards for X12 data exchange and XML data formats that work with a variety of e-business technologies to help companies integrate e-business. An X12 data module is available for GEFEG.FX, which users can use to plan their customer-specific use of X12. The development of the Context Inspired Component Architecture (CICA), a syntax-neutral architecture, is also managed by DISA. CICA comprises both the business content and implementation information. GEFEG makes the product GEFEG.FX CICA Editor available to the developers of CICA in the context of the “Tools for Members Program” of the DISA. GEFEG has been a member of DISA since 1998.

e-integration GmbH Logo

e-integration offers its customers GEFEG.FX as complementary software. With this interface, standard data from GEFEG.FX can be transferred to the e-integration converter solution.

The Global Network for B2B Integration in High Tech Industries Logo

EDIFICE is the European B2B forum of the European electronics industry. GEFEG has been a member of EDIFICE since 1999. The EDIFICE EDIFACT subset is created with GEFEG.FX and published with the GEFEG.FX Publisher module on the EDIFICE web site. In August 2001, EIDX – the American EDI organization of the electrical industry – adopted EDIFICE EDIFACT Guidelines as part of its partnership with EDIFICE. Thus the EDIFICE Guidelines are also available to the members of EIDX. EDIFICE MIGs and EPIGs are available as modules for GEFEG.FX.

Logo Joint Committee Electronics in Construction

EDIBAU e.V. and GEFEG offer all interested software houses two conversion programs/modules that convert files in GAEB standard (data exchange format of the German construction industry) to EDIFACT and from EDIFACT to GAEB.

GS1 Germany GmbH Logo

GS1 Germany belongs to the international network “Global Standards One” (GS1). One of the aims of the organization is to support companies in applying modern and contemporary standards in practice. GS1 Germany and GEFEG maintain and distribute the German-English version of the world’s most important EDIFACT subset EANCOM®.

GS1 Switzerland Logo

As the national representative of the globally active GS1 organization, GS1 Switzerland is committed to promoting efficient standards, processes and methods in Switzerland. GS1 Switzerland is a distribution partner of GEFEG in Switzerland. The main focus is the marketing of GEFEG.FX together with the EANCOM® module, which represents the specific interests of the consumer goods industry in EDIFACT.

Logo International Standards Organization

The Joint Syntax Working Group (JSWG) uses GEFEG.FX to maintain and publish EDIFACT syntax data (ISO 9735 – Application Level Syntax Rules). The JSWG homepage is maintained and hosted by GEFEG.


With an interface to Microsoft® BizTalk™ Server 2000, the BizTalk-specific descriptions for source and target format as well as the basic assignments for the data fields are generated.

Open Applications Group Logo

The standard organization Open Applications Group (OAGi) is a consortium focusing on best practices and process-based content for XML for use in e-business and application integration. The mission of the Open Applications Group is to define a uniform standard and work towards its adoption on a broad basis. The objective is to achieve better interoperability for e-business and application software, to reduce customer costs and to shorten the implementation time of the solution. The Open Applications Group supports ebXML and intends to incorporate this approach into its own work results. The OAGi standards are delivered as a data module in the GEFEG.FX products with XML functions.

Das Odette-Logo ist ein Wortbild mit grünen Großbuchstaben

Odette, a network of automotive supply chain professionals

The mission of Odette is to facilitate the digitalisation of the European automotive supply chain in order to improve its competitiveness within the global economy.

To realise this mission, Odette develops standard tools and best practice recommendations and provides services which support the digitalisation of logistics management and supply chain communications.

Odette has particularly been at the forefront of developments in standard digital messages for inbound and outbound logistics, collaborating for decades with GEFEG to maintain those messages.

Seeburger Business Integration Logo

Seeburger AG is one of the leading providers of EDI and EAI solutions. A jointly developed interface connects GEFEG.FX with the Seeburger Business Integration Converter. Application descriptions of B2B standards (guidelines) documented with GEFEG.FX can be transferred to the Seeburger BIC as format descriptions via the interface without additional processing and programming effort. Conversely, the interface allows the transfer of format descriptions to GEFEG.FX for subsequent documentation. For WinELKE GEFEG offers the converter interface Seeburger TLA with which EDIFACT message types from GEFEG.FX can be transferred to WinELKE.

Logo Siemens

Siemens AG is an internationally active group with a focus on electrical engineering and electronics and offers innovative products, solutions and services worldwide. The Siemens EDIFACT Standard (SES), an internal data standard for exchanging business data, is developed with GEFEG.FX. GEFEG.FX with SES data is used worldwide within Siemens to describe concrete application interfaces, generate test data and test productive EDI files on the basis of SES. The Siemens ASC X12 standard, SAS for short, is now also available as a supplement for the American market. For use with GEFEG.FX, the SAS module is available for this data.

IBM Logo

Sterling Commerce (now IBM) is a global provider of multi-enterprise collaboration solutions. GEFEG.FX Exports Specifications for GENTRAN:UNIX Product and Gentran Integration Suite.

The United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Commerce (UN/CEFACT) is a subsidiary intergovernmental body of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

UN/CEFACT (Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business) is responsible within the United Nations for the development and publication of UN/EDIFACT standard data. Michael Dill (GEFEG) works as an official German delegate in the Directory Audit Team (DAT) of the UN, the working group responsible for the production and updating of UN/EDIFACT norm data.

Verband der Automobilindustrie - Logo

The German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA). (VDA) represents the national and international interests of the entire German automotive industry in all areas of the motor transport industry. The Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. publishes recommendations for the electronic transmission of industry-specific business data of automobile manufacturers and suppliers. The VDA recommendations including the news for the areas “Aftermarket” “Finished Vehicles” and “Container Management” are available in electronic form with GEFEG.FX.

World Customs Organization - Organisation Mondiale Des Douanes

GEFEG is “Approved WCO Distributor” of the World Customs Organization (WCO), i.e. distribution partner of the World Customs Organization. The World Customs Organization is developing the WCO data model to standardize business processes and business data in global, cross-border trade. The focus of GEFEG’s sales activities is on the sale of the WCO data model and the associated components. Buyers of the WCO Data Model have access to the original WCO data delivered online.