The EU Customs Data Model (EUCDM) is the new data and interface model for trans-European customs systems and for Member States’ national customs clearance systems. Its overall objective is to be the single and true source of information for modelling data requirements. It provides a technical tool that models the data requirements laid down in EU customs legislation. Thus, it sets the guideline for the technical developments of the various IT systems used for data processing by customs in the EU.

The EUCDM in machine-readable format

GEFEG is the only company to offer the EUCDM in the machine-readable GEFEG.FX format for application.

The unique GEFEG.FX software makes it easy for Member States and the private sector to adapt the EUCDM to national requirements and their own business through reuse and customisation.

Alignment of the EUCDM with own data structures

In doing so, GEFEG.FX supports both the overview of the structures of the EUCDM and the own data structures in-house. It enables easy mapping and thus supports data harmonisation between these structures.

This is done with the innovative and unique methods developed by GEFEG for using and building messaging standards.

The core of these methods is the development of so-called guidelines to define data structures and interfaces based on available message standards. Furthermore, it supports the creation of publications.

EUCDM governance and data quality assurance

Governance is a particularly important issue in cross-border data exchange. GEFEG.FX supports compliance with governance and ensures data quality. Implementations can be validated against the specifications of the customs data model as early as the development phase.

But this support is not limited to the customs data model. Data harmonisation also works with own interfaces based on other standards in this environment. This makes it possible to improve the value chain and the interaction of upstream and downstream partners.

Cost savings and efficiency gains

The increased complexity means that companies often no longer know the data structures of their systems. They do not know what happens when a field is changed in the application or how to get the information they need. In a European or even international context with many national requirements, the challenge becomes even greater. Alignment with the EUCDM leads to significant cost savings here:

The impact of legislative changes on the overall “customs” system becomes transparent.

Examples of publications in the customs environment

Examples of publications created with GEFEG.FX in the customs environment are:

  • The European Customs Data Model (EUCDM) itself
  • The CITES data model, which is based on the data model of the World Customs Organisation (WCO) (from p. 34)
  • The interface to the Customs Management System (ECMS) of the Dutch Customs

More than 6 offers from GEFEG around the EUCDM

The methods and software systems developed by GEFEG are used by both customs administrations and the private sector, such as logistics companies.

GEFEG’s offers on the EUCDM include:

  • GEFEG.FX to define the interfaces based on the EUCDM and to harmonise your data structures and interfaces against the EUCDM (and other standards).
  • GEFEG.FX.Cloud: GEFEG.FX in the Amazon Workspace Cloud with application of GEFEG.FX in the web browser in any operating system without installation
  • GEFEG.Portal as a cloud solution for community building and on-boarding support, e.g. for validation of data, publication of interfaces as well as sharing of information and collaboration.
  • GEFEG.Packages with more than 30 other data packages, including the WCO data model, EDIFACT, UN/CEFACT CCTS, GS1, UBL etc. for the development of guidelines and data harmonisation
  • GEFEG.Support with workshops and support (not only) for EUCDM and WCO data model implementers who want to customise predefined EUCDM datasets, create guidelines or perform data harmonisation
  • GEFEG.API as the latest and worldwide unique component of the GEFEG product family. It allows the creation of APIs based on message standards. In this case, based on the schemas of the EUCDM, but also on any other schemas. This ensures that your API is compliant with a desired message standard.

With our offer, all kinds of digitisation projects can be carried out in the EUCDM environment: Integration projects, API projects and even AI projects can be carried out in a time- and cost-saving manner, as knowledge and complete control over all data are guaranteed at all times.

Of course, this also applies to all projects beyond the EUCDM that are based on the WCO data model or other standards. When will you start your GEFEG project?

The updated Object Check function … and more in the new GEFEG.FX Release

What’s New in the GEFEG.FX 2021-Q1 Quarterly Release?

New and updated data packages in GEFEG.FX



  • UN/LOCODES Version 2020-2

The code list for coded place names in 249 countries worldwide is updated twice a year and also delivered with GEFEG.FX.

  • Automotive standards
    • New versions for Odette EDIFACT Messages
    • Finished Vehicle Logistics
    • Packaging Messages
    • Code list update
    • New version of auto-gration schema messages
  • VDA standards (VDA recommendations)
    • New or revised logistics message VDA 4933, VDA 4984, VDA 4985, VDA 4987, VDA 4989, VDA 4990
    • Code list update
  • WCO Data Model Version 3.10

Get on the track of structural problems with the Object Check function

If you make structural changes to project folders, this can directly affect your objects in GEFEG.FX. In the worst case, you can no longer open GEFEG.FX guides. What is the reason for this?

In many cases, objects in GEFEG.FX are linked to code lists or are based on basic standards. If these necessary objects are not linked in the GEFEG.FX Manager or have been moved/deleted outside of GEFEG.FX in Windows, GEEFG.FX guides cannot be opened properly. Multiple objects are also problematic: In such cases, GEFEG.FX cannot establish a clear assignment and cannot open the GEFEG.FX object.

Solve your problems with linking, duplicates or moved objects using the object check function

Use the object check in the manager to identify problems in linking, duplicates or moved objects. Regardless of the format (EDI guide, XML schema or data model), the result of the object check is output as an error list and can now be saved as a separate file for further analysis.

Navigate data model and schema structures quickly

A GEFEG.FX schema or data model can take on very complex structures. It is useful to define the used components (elements, types, attributes, classes) of a message globally, if required.

The advantages of such a global design include:

  • Reuse

Reuse components so that structures, contents and constraints are adopted and not re-entered

  • Systematic error correction

Mit der Korrektur an einer Stelle werden alle Wiederverwendungen automatisch mit korrigiert


From now on, an extension for the navigation within global objects is available, which should be especially relevant for schema and data model developers: “Show usages in messages“. Jump from a global component directly into the element structure and save time and effort without having to track every single usage.

What is a typical example of how this feature is used? You have defined a global type ‘Party’. With “Show Usages in Messages” you skip the intermediate levels and get directly to the positions of ‘Buyer’ or ‘Seller’ in the message.

There is a whole series of articles and pages on the subject of OpenAPI on the net. So why should I write another one? Quite simple. Many of these articles are aimed at (experienced) web developers. By comparison what about all those who have so far dealt with EDI or the exchange of electronic business messages? This short introduction is for you.

APIs for the exchange of business documents

An API as a link between two systems or software components is nothing new. But its application for the exchange of business documents is. For this requirement, solutions for the electronic exchange of business data have existed for many decades. Examples are the classic EDI based on EDIFACT or the exchange of XML files. The latter is becoming more widespread, especially in the wake of the mandatory introduction of electronic invoices for public buyers.

But it is precisely here that the problems of previous solutions become apparent. In principle, classic document exchange is nothing else than the digital replica of the paper world. So basically, hardly anything has changed in the last 100 years in terms of the basic principle. Only the transmission medium has changed: from paper to one of many electronic formats. This worked well as long as the documents to be transmitted were only exchanged between two partners. For example, an invoice from the seller to the buyer.

However, due to advancing digitalisation combined with globalisation, requirements are increasing. Often not only two but more partners are interested in information interchange. For example, if goods are to be transported across borders. Then, on top of the classic partners, add the importing and exporting customs authorities, the transport company and possibly other partners. Consequently, this is a very heterogeneous world in terms of technology. And at the same time, the demand for transparency in the supply chain is increasing. And the demand for better detection and prevention of product piracy and counterfeiting.

This is hardly feasible with classic EDI

But why is this so difficult to implement with classic EDI? Certainly, the fact that there is not the one and only “EDI” but many differing standards for the exchange of business documents plays an important role. In many cases, industry requirements or the requirements of individual organisations add a burden. This often dilutes a standard to such an extent that there can be many hundreds of variants of a single message. In addition, the fact that the requirements for “business documents” are to be fulfilled is a further complicating factor.

And come to think of it – these requirements come from the paper world. A world where people reconcile the received (paper) document with the books (accounting). These documents also contain a lot of information that could actually be superfluous in an electronic process.

For example, a customs authority does not need to know the complete contractual relationships including delivery terms or agreed conditions. Classically, this in turn creates new documents and new (EDI) messages. Or the persons or systems involved do not (yet) have uniform electronic access to the information. Today, large suppliers and their customers announce deliveries electronically with the despatch advice message. And yet a delivery note or goods accompanying note is also printed out and attached to the consignment.

For a smooth EDI implementation, the processes of the individual organisations along the value chains must also be semantically interlinked. So the management systems of the organisations must also be able to deal with such electronic messages. And be always on the same level. This is difficult to achieve in practice. Standards help, but implementation is often too difficult and too expensive.

Who might cloud my data?

There is yet another aspect to this. A study from 2020 showed that one of the biggest obstacles is the fear of losing control over one’s own data through central data exchange platforms.

Ensuring data sovereignty is therefore an essential aspect when new platforms are to be created in the business-to-business sector.

REST APIs offer a clear approach here to move away from business documents for data exchange. Instead, only the information that is actually needed is exchanged. With clearly defined partners. This ensures, for example, that no agreed prices get into the wrong hands via a supplier portal.

Separation of data structures and services

A classic EDI scenario essentially comprises only two services. The conversion of data from a source system into the data format of the target system and the forwarding of the data to the target system. Of course, there can be more complex scenarios with feedback that works similar to registered mail with return receipt. But anything beyond that is actually no longer part of the actual EDI scenario. The processes themselves have to be provided by the respective end systems. For example, an order confirmation for an order is created by the seller’s system. The EDI solution then transmits the full content back again. So again with the same services, but using a different message.

In the world of APIs, the service concept goes beyond this. An API can actively support individual process steps. Or it can also provide real added value, such as the provision of information. Whereby the API user can determine which filter criteria should be applied. This is hardly conceivable in the classic EDI world.

These possibilities lead to the fact that not only the data structures are defined in an API, but also the services. These then use the defined data structures to process incoming information or to provide outgoing information.

Won’t APIs make everything more complicated?

Phew, that sounds pretty complicated. And if more is added now, won’t it become even more confusing? And someone still has to implement it!

This is exactly where OpenAPI comes in. Precisely not to develop proprietary rules, but to standardise the specification of an API. Understanding this difference is immensely important. So it’s not about how an API is implemented. No, it’s about what exactly it should do. What services it offers and what data structures it supports.

As described above, there are many standards in the EDI environment, including international ones. The United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business Processes UN/CEFACT has been standardising the meanings of data structures in business documents for many years. UN/CEFACT publishes semantic reference data models, which are used for guidance by many organisations and industries worldwide.

About meanings and twins

REST APIs have been used on the internet for many years. Especially for providing services for other websites or on mobile devices. Examples are APIs for currency conversion or the various map APIs, with which one can easily navigate from A to B. The semantic web also plays an important role. The systems of online shops, search engines and social networks should be able to recognise semantic connections. For example, which ingredients a recipe requires, how long it takes to prepare, and which shops offer these ingredients at which prices.

The standards on provide an essential basis for this. All these services are guided by these clear definitions and make it possible to map so-called digital twins. Everything identifiable in the real world can also be mapped digitally: People, events, houses, licences, software, products and services, to name but a few. And the whole thing is understandable for people and processable by machines.

No wonder that many have asked how this can be transferred to the business-to-business level, including UN/CEFACT. How do the achievements of the last decades remain with web APIs?

OpenAPI – A specification standard for APIs

The OpenAPI specification standard thus defines a set of rules on how APIs are to be specified. Which services are provided? What data structures are needed? What are the requirements for an implementation? And all of this in a version that can be read by the developer, but also by a machine.

This is precisely where the real strength of this standard lies. The very large support through a variety of tools and programming environments. This makes it possible to define an API at the business level. With all its services and data structures. It can be described simultaneously so that a developer can implement it as intuitively as possible.

And the developer is massively supported in this. Since the specification is machine-readable, tools exist that generate source code directly from the specification. This ensures that the specified properties of the interface itself are implemented correctly: The names of endpoints (services) are correct. The data structures used by these are implemented correctly and all return values are also clearly defined.

Of course, the developer still has to implement the server or client side. If he is clever about it, this implementation can even be secure against future changes. An update of the specification can be directly incorporated into the source code and only requires minor adjustments.

Who defines OpenAPI?

OpenAPI has its origins in Swagger. As early as 2010, the manufacturer of Swagger, the company SmartBear, recognised that an API specification can only be successful if it is developed openly and collaboratively (community-driven). That is why they transferred the rights to the OpenAPI Initiative. Big names such as Google, Microsoft, SAP, Bloomberg and IBM belong to this community. This community is very active and constantly developing the specification. The most recent release during this writing is OpenAPI 3.1.

So since 2016 at the latest, Swagger has only stood for the tools created by the company SmartBear. The specifications created with these tools are usually OpenAPI specifications. However, these tools also still supporting the old predecessor formats, especially the Swagger 2.0 format.

Use and spread of OpenAPI

TMForum regularly conducts studies on the spread of OpenAPI. The latest study shows a significant increase in adoptions. Increasingly, companies are re-dressing their existing APIs in OpenAPI specifications as soon as these are used for cross-company data exchange. According to the study, the market is divided into two camps in particular: Clear advocates of OpenAPI and those organisations that want to increasingly take care of OpenAPI in the future.

In the presentation of OpenAPI 3.1, Darrel Miller from Microsoft explained that there are still many implementations with RAML. However, the trend shows that RAML is found more in in-house solutions. OpenAPI increasingly forms the basis for cross-company scenarios.

Code-First (Swagger) or Model-First (GEFEG.FX) to OpenAPI?

A major difference in the tools currently available on the market is whether putting the focus is on source code development, or model-based development. The Swagger editor is a typical example of a code-first application. In an editor, the API developer can directly capture and document his API specification. This includes both the service structures and the data structures. In addition to this machine-readable format, he also immediately sees the prepared documentation for another developer. The documentation is then available in a developer portal, for example.

In contrast, the GEFEG.FX solution follows a model-driven approach. The focus here is not on the technical developer, but on the business user. He is responsible for the business view and the processes in the organisation or among organisations. He is often familiar with the existing EDI implementations, or at least knows the (economic and legal) requirements for the processes to be implemented. With this knowledge, he is able to use the existing semantic reference models and standards in the API specification. The wheel is not reinvented every time. . If such a standard changes, GEFEG.FX simply incorporates the change into the API specification. At the same time, governance requirements are implemented smartly without restricting the individual departments too much. For this, it does not matter whether it is the implementation of the electronic invoice, the electronic delivery note, EDI, the consumer goods industry, the automotive industry, the utilities sector, UN/CEFACT, or others.

My recommendation

The code-first approach is perfect for web developers. Business users, however, are overwhelmed by it. Therefore, I give a clear recommendation to all those with a focus on EDI or the exchange of electronic business messages: Plan OpenAPI as a model-first approach. This is future-proof, extensible and customisable.

GEFEG.FX Quarterly Update – What is New?


Data packages in GEFEG.FX

  • ISO20022 – Data model and Code lists, 09/2020 Updates
  • OAGIS 10.6 Standard and Enterprise Edition

FACELIFT for GEFEG.FX: Now with ribbons (menu bands)

GEFEG.FX now presents itself with a new face. Menu functions are clearly grouped in ribbons. As known from other software applications, ribbons are used to group related functions and commands, allowing you to edit your specifications faster and more efficiently. For example: the commands for delete, rename and insert are bundled in the Organization group. By means of the icons you can recognize the linked function at first glance and do not have to navigate through the context menu.

When opening a test data layout, it is not necessary to select a test file

When testing incoming or outgoing messages in GEFEG.FX, you will save a lot of effort that would otherwise be required for the analysis of structure or format deviations of faulty messages. Use the results of the tests in the log files as a basis for subsequent error correction.

If you want to discuss or forward your test files afterwards, you can create test message documentation in GEFEG.FX and use layouts to create a user-specific, uniform presentation.

The test scenario may comprise a single message or a set of several hundred messages. You can also use test data layouts for the targeted output of selected information of a test message.

In the new release we have optimized the layout editing: Until now, to edit test data layouts, a test file had to be determined in advance, which was used to display the layout. Now test data layouts are opened for editing without having to call up test files.

Improve navigation in your HTML documentation with modern drop-down menus

Many GEFEG.FX users create human-readable HTML documentation of their specifications in addition to PDF and Word documentation. For this purpose GEFEG.FX automatically generates hyperlinks within the structure of your object at the push of a button.

HTML documentation is particularly suitable for publication on web pages. By publishing your specifications in HTML format, you enable your partners to browse in a user-friendly way and quickly find the information they are looking for in your complex or extensive specification(s). Instead of laboriously flipping back and forth in a PDF or Word file, your partners can easily click through the documentation.

From now on, drop-down menus are also available in HTML documentation. This makes navigation clearer and easier, as the following example shows: You use variants of schemas or data models that differ slightly from each other. Use dropdown menus to group these variants together and select them from a drop-down list.

Find the following new or further developed functionalities in the latest GEFEG.FX quarterly release 2020-Q2.

Data packages in GEFEG.FX

  • GS1 XML 3.4.1 and code lists
  • ISO 20022 models, schemas and code lists as of 04/2020

GIT-Support in GEFEG.FX

Collaboration on documents and folders using the version control system GIT is enjoying growing popularity and, along with Subversion (SVN), represents one of the most common repository solutions. GEFEG.FX now also supports GIT repositories and can therefore be used as a GIT client. Link GIT-controlled folders in GEFEG.FX and apply proven functions of version control systems to your data, for example adding or checking in files.

Subversion (SVN) is also still supported in GEFEG.FX, of course, so SVN and GIT can be used as version control systems for your repository management in GEFEG.FX.

Faster selection of types in schema development

Types, elements and attributes are essential components of an XML schema, with which a schema structure can be built. Elements are always based on types, which are used to restrict and format elements.

In schema development or editing, each element must therefore be assigned to a type. Local or global types are available for this, depending on the selected schema design principle. In the new release, we make it easier for you to select a suitable type via a search field, so that you no longer have to scroll through a possibly long list of types. By entering the type name, you jump directly to the desired type and select it.

New diagram variant for data model or schema: Output without attributes possible

Diagrams make it easier to understand the message structure and show the structure of a message with only few technical details. For the GEFEG.FX data objects Data Model and Schema and their guides, diagrams can be generated in the GEFEG.FX Manager and exported as image files.

The current release gives you the option of outputting a diagram variant without attributes, as an alternative to the more comprehensive display with attributes. This is especially relevant if a more business-oriented view of the message is desired. This variant is also useful if existing attributes are only relevant at a later date and can be hidden for the time being.

Output of attribute paths in data model or schema reports now also for linked objects

In data modeling, attributes are used to describe properties and characteristics. Similarly, attributes are used in XML structures to transmit metadata. Since the last release, attributes with short and long name paths and the IndexPath are also output in data model and schema reports. This facilitates the classification of the attribute in the overall structure of the message as the position of the attribute in the message can be read at a glance.

In the current release we have extended this function so that the output of paths is not only possible within the GEFEG.FX object itself, but also for linked objects. Links between GEFEG.FX data objects exist, for example, in mapping projects. Previously, separate reports were necessary to output path names and IndexPath for attributes in involved mapping objects. Now, the specifications of the mapping partner can be accessed in a single report. This saves work steps and thus leads to more work efficiency.

New design function for background layouts in documentation

Documentation in GEFEG.FX can be designed very flexibly. Layout and report files form a unit in GEFEG.FX to generate Word or PDF files, for example.

The interaction of layouts and reports defines the various design options with respect to colours, fonts and font sizes in the layout file and thus provides the basis for the report. In the current release, a new setting for the page background can now be made: The opacity of the background colour can be set individually as a percentage.