• Product Description

GEFEG.Portal – Centralised and configurable for your business cases

Your requirements

  • Efficient collaboration between IT and business experts in and between companies, sectors or projects, nationally and internationally
  • High quality of the developed data specifications and the resulting data
  • A shortened period from analysing the requirements to implementation.

  To achieve these goals, the GEFEG.Portal offers a web solution for collaboration, validation, publishing, visualisation, change request management as well as rollout and onboarding support. The GEFEG.Portal supports you and your EDI partners

  • in managing requirements or change requests for the development of eBusiness interfaces
  • in the development and publication of eBusiness interfaces, e.g. B2B / EDI / EAI / A2A standards and formats as well as guidelines
  • with error checking in eBusiness interfaces
  • in rollout and onboarding scenarios.

With the GEFEG.Portal, our customers benefit from 30 years of GEFEG’s commitment and expertise in eBusiness Interface Management. Would you like to find out more about how you can use the GEFEG.Portal? Give us a call or send us your request for information about the use of GEFEG.Portal in your company.

  • Benefits
  • Efficient collaboration for managing interfaces
  • High quality of data descriptions and resulting data
  • Moving faster from requirements analysis to implementation
  • Self-testing of messages by EDI partners – Considerable reduction of the test effort at the receiver’s end
  • Improve interoperability and compliance
  • Single point of contact with a complete workflow for the management of eBusiness interfaces
  • Flexible configuration of the portal to the needs of the user group
  • Desktop software GEFEG.FX for eBusiness Interface Design and for the transfer of guidelines to the portal for publication and testing
  • 24/7 availability
  • White labelling: Adaptation of the web interface to the “look and feel” of your website layout
  • Features

Find an overview of the most important functions below.

Publication of eBusiness Interfaces

Publish specifications, schema files and other deliverables and make them available for download. Single point of reference to make important specifications quickly accessible and to promote governance. User-defined views and filters allow easier handling of the uploaded artefacts.

Tracking and management of requirements or change requests

Enter and track requirements or change requests and view the current status. Centralise the process to avoid time-consuming searching and costly data loss. The entries can be filtered according to various criteria.

Validation and visualisation

Compliance check of messages based on guidelines and business rules. Upload instances for checking and check for compliance with the specification. Supports user communities to implement interfaces identically to achieve interoperability. In rollout or onboarding scenarios, your EDI partners check the messages themselves without your involvement.

Task Management

Task management via tracking system. Organise the internal work of users. Faster tracking of tasks assigned to users.


Communication with the portal’s user community through a news section. Inform users about changes, updates, new versions and other topics.

Download area

Readily available data, such as test data, has been provided for the user community to download.

Admin area

As administrator, configure the portal. Set up user groups or define and customise views so that different areas accommodate specific requirements and workflows. All configuration data can be exported as XML file.

  • Demo version

With the GEFEG.Portal, you choose an efficient way to check electronic messages via the Internet – with easy handling, permanent availability and low costs. Use the GEFEG.Portal in your company or make the solution available to your business partners and/or suppliers. Test the GEFEG.Portal with a free demo access. Link to the GEFEG.Portal demo version