The GEFEG.FX JSON schema editor is being continuously enhanced and now offers even more functions for the development of JSON schemas. Further functions are already planned for the next GEFEG.FX releases and are already under development.
You can now develop JSON schema guides with GEFEG.FX. This new function extends the JSON schema editor and brings the proven guide technology to JSON schemas. After a GEFEG.FX update, these new options will be available to users of the JSON schema editor. In this article, we introduce the Guide technology and explain its benefits for users.
What is a guide in GEFEG.FX and how do I use it?
A GEFEG.FX Guide is a data structure customised to the individual requirements of a user, also known as a specification, implementation regulation or application guideline. This describes the specific application of an EDI standard, XML schema or data model in practice. GEFEG.FX users are already familiar with this option from other areas, such as the development of XML schema guides or data model guides.
Imagine a transparent layer over your basic schema. We call this layer a guide. The use of guide technology makes it possible to visualise, comment on and restrict structural elements of these guides without changing the underlying basic schema. In short, you can now develop JSON schema guides based on JSON schemas.