• Product Description

GEFEG.FX software supports you in the professional and comprehensive development, documentation and testing of data formats for the electronic exchange of business documents. GEFEG.FX aims to achieve high data quality right from the planning phase of data exchange and furthermore to shorten the implementation phase. To achieve these goals, GEFEG.FX relies on international standards, supports the specification of standards and mappings, and unifies and simplifies routine work. At the push of a button, meaningful documentation is generated – for publication on the Internet or for forwarding to business partners. Furthermore, extensive testing options support the data quality: error-free interfaces even before the start of productive use save time and money. GEFEG.FX offers competitive advantages for companies that want to maintain a better overview of their business data or harmonise it, or which have, want to build up or hold on to their own expertise in business data exchange. Our software solution naturally supports users with the latest developments in eBusiness Interface Management.

  • Benefits
  • International and national standards, immediately applicable
  • Less errors, higher quality
  • Reduced testing effort
  • All standards in one place, no research required
  • GEFEG as a long-standing expert in the background
  • Significant time savings in developing standards, interfaces, data models and APIs and shortening of the implementation phase
  • Features

GEFEG.FX supports the definition, modelling, validation, harmonisation and organisation of interfaces with extensive functions. We will be happy to send you further information.

Data Modelling

  • Represent business data in data models in a syntax-neutral way and map them to different standards
  • Describe business terms in data models and make them available to users as messages, core components, glossaries or data dictionaries to harmonise them and ensure consistent use.
  • Note additional comments and notes directly on the element at both definition and application level.
  • Derive implementation guidelines from the technical content of a data model
  • Document comparison
  • Automatically generate XML Schemas from a data model
  • Export / import from data model to / from MS Excel, Rational Rose and XMI

Schema Development

  • XML Schema development according to W3C recommendation
  • Understand XML schemas more easily with the easy-to-use schema browser
  • Clear representation of the content of the structures to be implemented.
  • Important XML business languages are available for use
  • The schema can be supplemented with additional comments and notes – both at the definition level and at the application level. This allows you to create user-specific schemas.
  • Implement business logic checks with Schematron rules
  • Validation of XML messages against the corresponding schema document (XSD)
  • Schema comparison
  • Migration of conventional EDI structures to XML

GEFEG.Content – Standards for B2B

  • Access to expert knowledge about business processes and their information flows, which are contained in concentrated form in the B2B standards
  • Many national and international B2B standards available in high quality, such as UN/EDIFACT, ANSI ASC X12, connectSpec (previously OAGIS), GS1 EANCOM®, GS1 XML, EDIFICE, EDIFOR, ODETTE, TRADACOMS, UBL, UN/CEFACT XML, VDA, and others
  • Develop user-specific data formats, such as flat files, or other in-house formats with GEFEG.FX
  • Manage all B2B standards used in your company in one software

Specifications (Guides, Guidelines)

  • Design, manage, maintain the use of your company-specific messages, or data formats, in specifications (guides, guidelines)
    • Derived from a B2B standard
    • Based on a flat-file format, or other in-house formats
    • Based on an existing data model
    • Based on an existing XML schema
  • Time-saving single-source principle – the guideline is the basis for validation and tests, a source for output in human-readable documentation and transfer to EDI systems.
  • Easy migration of guidelines to a new release of a B2B standard
  • Guideline is the most important source of information for all details of the implemented message

Mapping Planner

  • Integration and harmonisation of different data formats: Only rarely is it possible for a company to limit itself to a single data format. GEFEG.FX offers extensive mapping functions to link identical contents in different data formats.
  • The mapping functions support the integration and harmonisation of XML as well as classic EDI and in-house formats.
  • GEFEG.FX offers the thesaurus mapping as a mapping method, i.e. mapping using identifiers
  • The mapping planner is the first choice if the mapping is to be documented or if the planning of interfaces and their technical implementation is in different hands organisationally.

Test data

  • Message validation and testing
  • Quality assurance with compliance check and validation
  • Comprehensive tests for syntax AND business logic
  • Easy creation of test data
  • Convenient test routines
  • Time and effort saving test procedures
  • High data quality even before production starts
  • Validation and test functions are also available as a web service via a REST interface

Data transfer

  • Transfer of implementation guidelines to EAI / EDI systems, such as converters, mapping workbenches, etc.
  • Transfer of source and target formats
  • Large selection of export modules and converter interfaces available
  • High data quality due to electronic transfer, no typing of data at the target system
  • Seamless data flow saves time and effort

Documentation Reports

  • Display of messages and test data in human-readable form
  • Visualisation improves the understanding of staff with less IT focus
  • Ready-to-use documentation templates for different requirements available
  • Documentation templates and reports can be adapted or redesigned to meet individual requirements
  • Easy publication and sharing of eB interface descriptions via GEFEG.Portal on the Internet
  • Corporate Design: Logo, fonts and font colours of your company can be adopted
  • Demo version

Thank you for your interest in GEFEG.FX. To give you a good start for your evaluation, we will present the most important features of GEFEG.FX and how to use them in a personal, interactive guided tour. We will also discuss your requirements and provide you with an evaluation license upon request. Please fill in our contact form.